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scheduler ¤

CoroutineResult dataclass ¤

    coroutine_id: CoroutineID,
    value: Optional[Any] = None,
    error: Optional[Exception] = None,
    call: Optional[Call] = None,
    status: Status = Status.OK,

The result from running a coroutine to completion.

CallResult dataclass ¤

    call_id: CallID,
    value: Optional[Any] = None,
    error: Optional[Exception] = None,

The result of an asynchronous function call.

CallFuture dataclass ¤

    result: Optional[CallResult] = None,
    first_error: Optional[Exception] = None,

A future result of a operation.

AllFuture dataclass ¤

    order: List[CoroutineID] = list(),
    waiting: Set[CoroutineID] = set(),
    results: Dict[CoroutineID, CoroutineResult] = dict(),
    first_error: Optional[Exception] = None,

A future result of a dispatch.coroutine.all() operation.

AnyFuture dataclass ¤

    order: List[CoroutineID] = list(),
    waiting: Set[CoroutineID] = set(),
    first_result: Optional[CoroutineResult] = None,
    errors: Dict[CoroutineID, Exception] = dict(),
    generic_error: Optional[Exception] = None,

A future result of a dispatch.coroutine.any() operation.

RaceFuture dataclass ¤

    waiting: Set[CoroutineID] = set(),
    first_result: Optional[CoroutineResult] = None,
    first_error: Optional[Exception] = None,

A future result of a dispatch.coroutine.race() operation.

Coroutine dataclass ¤

    id: CoroutineID,
    parent_id: Optional[CoroutineID],
    coroutine: Union[DurableCoroutine, DurableGenerator],
    result: Optional[Future] = None,

An in-flight coroutine.

State dataclass ¤

    version: str,
    suspended: Dict[CoroutineID, Coroutine],
    ready: List[Coroutine],
    next_coroutine_id: int,
    next_call_id: int,
    prev_callers: List[Coroutine],
    outstanding_calls: int,

State of the scheduler and the coroutines it's managing.

OneShotScheduler ¤

    entry_point: Callable,
    version: str = sys.version,
    poll_min_results: int = 1,
    poll_max_results: int = 10,
    poll_max_wait_seconds: Optional[int] = None,

Scheduler for local coroutines.

It's a one-shot scheduler because it only runs one round of scheduling. When all local coroutines are suspended, the scheduler yields to Dispatch to take over scheduling asynchronous calls.


Name Type Description Default
entry_point Callable

Entry point for the main coroutine.

version str

Version string to attach to scheduler/coroutine state. If the scheduler sees a version mismatch, it will respond to Dispatch with an INCOMPATIBLE_STATE status code.

poll_min_results int

Minimum number of call results to wait for before coroutine execution should continue. Dispatch waits until this many results are available, or the poll_max_wait_seconds timeout is reached, whichever comes first.

poll_max_results int

Maximum number of calls to receive from Dispatch per request.

poll_max_wait_seconds Optional[int]

Maximum amount of time to suspend coroutines while waiting for call results. Optional.
