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test ¤

Registry ¤

    name: str,
    client: Optional[Client] = None,
    endpoint: Optional[str] = None,

Registry of functions.


Name Type Description Default
name str

A unique name for the registry.

endpoint Optional[str]

URL of the endpoint that the function is accessible from.

client Optional[Client]

Client instance to use for dispatching calls to registered functions. Defaults to creating a new client instance.



Type Description

If any of the required arguments are missing.

close ¤


Closes the registry, removing it and all its functions from the dispatch application.

function ¤


Decorator that registers functions.

primitive_function ¤

    primitive_func: PrimitiveFunctionType,
) -> PrimitiveFunction

Decorator that registers primitive functions.

batch ¤

batch() -> Batch

Returns a Batch instance that can be used to build a set of calls to dispatch.

main async ¤

main(coro: Coroutine[Any, Any, None]) -> None

Entrypoint for dispatch function tests, which creates a local Dispatch server and runs the provided coroutine in the event loop of the server.

This is a low-level primitive that most test programs wouldn't use directly, and instead would use one of the function or method decorators.


Name Type Description Default
coro Coroutine[Any, Any, None]

The coroutine to run as the entrypoint, the function returns when the coroutine returns.



Type Description

The value returned by the coroutine.

run ¤

run(coro: Coroutine[Any, Any, None]) -> None

Runs the provided coroutine in the test server's event loop. This function is a convenience wrapper around the main function that runs the coroutine in the event loop of the test server.

Programs typically don't use this function directly, unless they manage their own event loop. Most of the time, the run function is a more convenient way to run a dispatch application.


Name Type Description Default
coro Coroutine[Any, Any, None]

The coroutine to run as the entrypoint, the function returns when the coroutine returns.



Type Description

The value returned by the coroutine.

function ¤

    fn: Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]
) -> Callable[[], None]

This decorator is used to write tests that execute in a local Dispatch server.

The decorated function would typically be a coroutine that implements the test and returns when the test is done, for example:

import dispatch
import dispatch.test

def greet(name: str) -> str:
    return f"Hello {name}!"

async def test_greet():
    assert await greet("World") == "Hello World!"

The test runs dispatch functions with the full dispatch capability, including retrying temporary errors, etc...

method ¤

    fn: Callable[[T], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]]
) -> Callable[[T], None]

This decorator is similar to the function decorator but is intended to apply to methods of a class (with a self value as first argument).